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שירות לקוחות 08-9472378

Alon Goshen

Lecturer and instructor for pleasure and enhanced sexuality, and for about 20 years has been teaching women and men how to connect to their consciousness of pleasure, to strengthen the work with their body, mind, consciousness and energies, thus enriching their sexual life.

Therapist information

  • מגדר הלקוחות שהמנחה מקבל/ת

  • שפה בה נערך המפגש

    Hebrew or English
  • טווח שעות ומחירים

  • כישורים

    Helping people connect to their pleasure potential, whether through conversation or touch
  • איזור קבלה בארץ

    Bat Yam
  • שנת תחילת עבודה


Training and workshops

  • רשימת הכשרות

    "M.A. in psychology with an academic specialization in sexual therapy
    Certified Medical Masseur for 15 years
    Certified Surrogate Therapist for 13 years
    Tantra instructor certified in ""Maarg"" school
    Couples and family therapist certified by the ""Shinui"" Institute
    Certification in the field of NLP and Mindfulness"
  • רשימת סדנאות ופעילויות

    I do private workshops for couples, group workshops for couples and individuals, teach at conferences throughout the country and the world, treats in a private clinic, digital courses and more. Updated and relevant details can be found on my website.

I believe

I believe that we all have an infinite potential embedded within us, which is very easy to explore but no one has ever taught us to take responsibility for it, and this is exactly what I do at the clinic - giving tools to take personal responsibility for our pleasure, so that we can explore and fly as we please.

More details

Everyone can, given the desire and the right guidance. Don't spend your life thinking you don't deserve or that it isn't possible. You deserve it and it is absolutely possible, if you choose to work for it.
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