I believe
A world in which freedom and love are valued. Where the source of our deepest satisfaction is the learning and the experience that comes with self-realization, when we are free to dare and set out on the journey of life, to risk everything to hear the call of our soul. Knowing that nothing is certain. Perhaps we will fall or fail along the way. But here, in full surrender, we find the cure to our deepest pain: freedom. The freedom to be. The freedom to feel. The freedom to choose the mysterious journey of our lives. Here our true purpose is revealed: to move as freedom and love in the world
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I invite you to join me
and take part in a journey that I have found to be the most rewarding and empowering in this life: the journey to ourselves, to our physical body, and to the mystery of the soul that resides within us. A process of growth that invites us to fully surrender and meet what is inside. A journey of shedding what is not truly me, dropping the beliefs and patterns that we unconsciously took upon ourselves, and creating more space, presence and inner freedom for the “me” that vibrates with the truth and wisdom of the heart