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שירות לקוחות 08-9472378

Youval Cohen Tzedek

Facilitates groups, couples and individuals to achieve lasting positive changes towards a life full of passion. Accompanying processes of development, change and growth.

Therapist information

  • מגדר הלקוחות שהמנחה מקבל/ת

    Men, Couples
  • שפה בה נערך המפגש

    Hebrew and English
  • טווח שעות ומחירים

    250 per hour
  • כישורים

    Empowerment for Men, Sexual Couples Therapy
  • איזור קבלה בארץ

    Pardes Hana and Zoom
  • שנת תחילת עבודה


Training and workshops

  • רשימת הכשרות

    NLP Practitioner, Couples Therapy, Different Tantra Trainings
  • רשימת סדנאות ופעילויות

    Shibari Workshops, Private Tantra Workshops, Couples Alchemy

I believe

In my view, the world needs a deep and comprehensive change in a variety of issues so that we can create a sustainable life system here on earth and preferably as soon as possible. Humanity as much as it can be amazing and create wonderful things and can quite often be destructive to itself and the living environment. The realization that life here can be good and that people don't have to be destructive led me to join different bodies for social change.

More details

I started my journey towards sexual therapy and intimate communication from the fact that when I came to the worlds of sexuality I saw that this is the place that overwhelms all people with so much pain and trauma. My work in the world of sexuality does not come specifically to treat a specific sexuality (and there is a lot to treat there) but as a gateway to treat the whole person. If in most treatment methods the issue of sexuality is not touched upon, then in the world of shamanic sexuality everything is touched upon: sexuality, spirituality, body, soul, mind, etc. That's what attracted me and that's why we're here now
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